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Traditions of Deerfield News

When It’s Time to See a Geriatrician

Originally published on AARP: If you’re in your 60s or 70s, you may have wondered if you should start seeing...
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Report finds few seniors are getting routine memory checkups

Originally published on NBC News: Few seniors get their thinking and memory abilities regularly tested during check-ups, according to a...
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Supplements Won’t Prevent Dementia. But These Steps Might.

Originally published on New York Times: Scientists still have no magic shield against Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Yet there...
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4 Types of Exercise

Originally published on Go4Life: Exercise and physical activity fall into four basic categories—endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Most people tend to focus on...
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Stay Connected to Combat Loneliness and Social Isolation

Originally published on National Institute on Aging: As people age they often find themselves spending more time at home alone....
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What Seniors Need to Know About Vision Loss

Originally published on U.S. News: FOR MOST OF US, HITTING age 40 signals a time of change with regard to several...
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Boot camp after 60: 10 steps to turn around unhealthy habits

Originally published on NBC News: It takes moxie to flip an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one — particularly for...
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AARP ‘Shark Tank’ Pitch Competition at CES

Originally published on AARP: Two novel tech products designed with older users in mind were winners at the consumer electronics...
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Spring Forward: Resetting Your 'Body Clock'

Originally published on University of Rochester Medical Center: While the shift to daylight saving time is a welcome sign of...
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Study Offers Hint of Hope for Staving Off Dementia in Some People

Originally published on the The New York Times: In dementia research, so many paths have led nowhere that any glimmer...
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